Use Your Plate for Balance!
(I mean, you're going to eat anyway...)
Get your FREE Winter Grocery List!

Seasonal eating is a great way to stay balanced and as healthy as possible throughout the year, but we often don't know what that means in practical terms.

The solution is here! This comprehensive grocery will help you to know what to fill your plate with in the winter season. You don't have to eat all of these things, or even the things you don't like. Just eat more of the things you do!

Find out what should be on your grocery list, as well as which foods are considered winter superfoods so that you can be your healthiest and most vibrant YOU.

En-JOY getting balanced through your meals! 
Get Your FREE Winter Grocery List Here!
Send it to me and add me to your email list!
About Theresa Vee
Theresa Vee works with spiritually-led, empathetic, and highly sensitive people, teaching tangible tools so that they can get out of their cycles of overwhelm and over-giving, increase their energy, and feel more alive, on-Purpose, and fulfilled.

She helps people to get back into the flow of the synchronicities and miracles that are their birthright, heal into the magic of their Divine Perfection, and live their Purpose for being here.

A Visionary, a Love Warrior, and a fierce stand for Peace widely regarded as a presence of unconditional Love, Theresa is a leader of spiritual (r)evolution, reaching over a million people through her speaking engagements, workshops, readings, healing sessions,
 and classes.

For more information, go to

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